

a drawing of a yurt (aka my dream home) that i sneakily sketched in my new moleskine today while at work. inspiration from tiny house blog.


Kim said...

okay that is utterly amazing. I did a project in art when i was at school about yurts, they are fascinating. You are so talented. xx

themuccibird said...

thanks kim..you're always so encouraging!

i adore yurts, i love how they are so simple on the outside and on the inside there is this coziness of woven rugs and furs (at least that's what i can tell from documentaries i've seen about nomads!).

i would seriously love to live in one.

My name is Sam Kigar said...

I work for the Colorado Yurt Company (www.coloradoyurt.com) and I was just trolling the blogs for yurt-related stuff and came across your awesome illustration-- it's really nice! sneak more illustration time at work.


My name is Sam Kigar said...

PS do you mind if i post your drawing on the colorado yurt facebook page (with credit of course)?

themuccibird said...

Hi Sam,
working for a yurt company..what an awesome job! That's no problem at all if you want to use the image, as long as it is left at the screen resolution and credited :)

Thanks for asking, and I'm glad you like it!

:-) said...

Hello, I spent ages scrolling yurts sneakily instead of working...and then I decided to build one and now I live in one. Any way I can order your picture to frame it and hang it in my house?