
soft leather.

My boyfriend and I have undertaken a new hobby. We wanted to have a go at leather crafting after we found an old book about shaping and stamping leather a few months ago. Initially we were going to scout out some old leather jackets in op-shops that no one wanted anymore and pull them apart, but we (actually he) found a much better and cheaper way of sourcing old leather: unwanted lounges! Here in Australia we have a council clean-up every few months where people put things out on the kerb that they don't want anymore- broken chairs, old tv's, bed frames and lots of old lounges. Ryan used his pocket knife to salvage some beautiful leather from lounges destined for the tip. So now we have heaps of material to experiment with some designs. (And as we are both vegetarians it is perfect for us since we don't have to buy any new leather! Yay!)

Here's my first (slightly messy) creation:


Nathan Williams said...

this is a great idea, be sure to share what else you create!

( and this one isn't very "messy" at all!)

themuccibird said...

oh thankyou, i will be sure to post pictures of our other creations :)

we are really excited about it actually..it's been fun trying to make something creative from something that would have otherwise been considered garbage!