
at the altar of everyday life.

On my bedside "table" (an old suitcase I found on the side of the road) I have a little dish that over the years has accumulated some tiny trinkets. I didn't put much thought into what I put in there but one day I looked at each object and realised that each one basically represented something of great importance in my life.

ETA Pilot Pin.

Given to me many years ago by Papou (my Greek grandfather) who was an aircraft engineer. He is without a doubt one of the most amazing, selfless, kind and loving people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. This just reminds me of him, and of family love. I love the tiny little wings too, they make me think of travel and adventure.

Tiny Buddha.

Given to me by my friend Zoe who I travelled to Vietnam with in 2007. It reminds me to be present, mindful and calm as well as to keep an open mind to other perspectives, other cultures, and other religions that I have not been culturally immersed in but can yet learn SO much from.


Reminds me of the unconditional love, grace and forgiveness that draws me to the story of Jesus. I don't believe that there is only one way to experience God (as God is Love), and in all honesty I really think that all religions are essentially talking about the same source of love (only with different names), but for whatever reason, the story of Jesus resonates the most strongly in me as an example of complete and perfect love. I don't know if I could call myself a Christian by most people's standards (for one, I can't understand how a God that is all-loving could send anyone to Hell) but I definitely feel that a life lived with Jesus as your example can only be a good, full, loving life. And that is something I aspire to.

Porcelain Bird.

Makes me think of the beauty of nature. The mystery and wonder of animals and plants. This great Earth teeming with life that, let's face it, is indifferent to us humans and our often destructive, uneccessarily complex lives. Which I find helps put things into perspective. That we're not the "rulers" of this planet but really just one part of what could be a beautiful and balanced bio-community. And of course, birds just make me happy. :)

Pine needle 'ring'.

This is the most recent addition to the bedside shrine (ha!). My boyfriend made it while we were walking up Pigeonhouse Mountain, which is an amazing walk on the South Coast of New South Wales. It's one of those amazing places where, when you get to the top, you feel like everything that you worry about has no place. It just falls away once you look out onto the mountains. (I know that sounds incredibly corny but it's truly that beautiful.)

He made this absent-mindedly while we were walking back down the mountain and I asked if I could have it. I love that (like all good circles!) it has no end. I love that he just made it from some green pine needles. I think it's very beautiful.

It reminds me of our time away that weekend, when we climbed the mountain and saw the tiniest birds we had ever seen at the peak, had the most beautiful afternoon swim at Greenpatch beach, played chess while eating noodles on our makeshift bed in the back of the car, drank lots of tea, climbed trees and rocks near the beach, and gawked at the incredible clear starry sky away from the lights from houses.


ariane said...

wonderful post!! thanks for sharing <3

themuccibird said...

oh thanks so much for reading it! it's pretty long-winded :)

i hope you're travelling well xx