
wrapped in brown paper.

I love writing letters + sending parcels. I swear I probably have more fun putting them together than the person does in receiving it! These stunning parcels made by Marcine from A Clock Without Hands have me wanting to go all out with my next lot of postage.


Nathan Williams said...

would you be interested in swapping something?!
my wife and I just posted about it on our blog.

maybe check out our etsy... if there's anything you like we would love to send it to you for any of your art/creations.
you seem like a creative genius!

best from hawaii,

(hope you find this comment)

themuccibird said...


this is embarrassing to admit but I was so excited when I saw your comment...I absolutely ADORE your blog and have gone there for inspiration often. You and your wife seem to have such a beautiful balance in your life..it always reminds me of the beauty in simple things.

Anyway :)
enough awkward gushing

I would love to do a swap, that would be wonderful.

I am currently making more of the envelopes that you commented on in the other post (I didn't make the ones in this post) so if you like, I could send you a whole lot of them and an artwork or two?

I love everything you guys make that I've seen in the Etsy shop, so maybe if you have anything extra or something that doesn't sell I would be more than happy to give it a home

hope you're both having a wonderful day,