You know those days when you have something planned and have all the
best intentions to commit to it but then are secretly glad when it falls
through for some reason or another?
Today was one of those.

When I got the message of cancellation I was already tucked up
with a cup of peppermint tea and the latest copy of Dumbo Feather
(seriously, does a more inspiring and challenging magazine exist!? It's incredibly good)
so to say I was even remotely disappointed would be, well, a lie.
Suddenly the day was totally free, stretching out in front of me
with a total lack of obligation to be anywhere in particular. Excellent.
The best thing about days like this is that everything can be done slowly,
even if it's just washing the dishes or making a big soup for lunch. There's no rush.
And that makes everything more enjoyable somehow.
It also means that you can spend time creating artworks, like the one above.
It's dedicated to all the wonderful, unexpected "free" days. Hope you get to enjoy one soon too.
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