Hello. I'm Kiara and this is my blog where you will find an ad-hoc collection of ramblings, artworks and photos. Mostly of my own making, but also things other people have made/said that inspire me, spur me on to do better or that I just find to be lovely and uplifting.
If you are interested in some of my artworks or designs you can view more here and here.
what a lovely poem... i read it over and over again because the words are so comforting to me.
what book is this from?
I love it too.
It's from a book called Curly Verse: Selected Poems by Michael Leunig.
It's a penguin classic but they may only sell it here in Aus because he is an Australian writer/cartoonist.
Let me know if you have trouble finding it and I'll happily mail you a copy, there are so many beautiful little poems in it.
unfortunately i haven't been able to find it anywhere in canada!
In the ending of things, how easy it is to forget gratitude.
I have never seen this before, thank you!
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