
I did some extreme spring(winter)-cleaning today, going through all the scraps and bits and pieces that have accumulated over a few years, holding onto things that I love, being ruthless with everything else.

It was funny to see the things that I'd decided to hold onto so long ago; ticket stubs from travel adventures, little pictures from magazines that must've caught my eye, even (embarrassingly, and for no apparent reason) bus and train tickets. Weird.

Most of the stuff had me feeling bewildered, wondering why I would have chosen to keep it, as well as showing up my undoubtable hoarding tendencies..But some of the articles, pictures and photos filled me with simple joy. I felt so glad that I had kept them because they represent and remind me of things, places, experiences, memories and people that still mean a lot to me now. 

My favourites were the little notes or drawings given to me by my younger siblings and cousins, particularly the poem by my cousin Kurt which describes a seashell as being "round like a spiky moon" (haha).

If today was anything to go by, I think when I am a mum I am going to need a separate room just for my kids' drawings. 
(Joking, kind of.)

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