
Had a wonderful, perfect day with Yayi (hello!) doing the walk from Bondi to Bronte. The colour of the water was incredibly beautiful. I love days like this, spent in the company of people you love, in a place of salty ocean air and turquoise water. The best.


Lauren K said...

Bronte Pool! That is my favourite place to do laps! The water looks amazing...wish I had been there, it looks so inviting!

themuccibird said...

I had no idea how beautiful it is, it's been years since I've been there (to the pool at least). I want to go back there in the summer for a swim, so you'll have to come with me! Looking forward to our date on Sunday :)

Lauren K said...

Just realised I don't have your email, and I couldn't find your email on your blog, so...here is the link to the ted talk I mentioned to you today

Much love!
Loz xx
