
To do.

Learn how to knit mittens.

Go for a walk every day.

Take care of my plants: new soil and a lot more attention to watering (oops).

Cook this (again).

And have a go at making these.

Finish reading the Brothers Karamazov.

Create beautiful things, like this.

Have a beach picnic with friends, like we used to.

Spend more time with the people I love. And actually "be there".

Be kinder to myself (= worrying less).

image credits. 1. cinq. 2. mdashing 3. unknown 4.+ 5. jamie oliver 6. porter square books 7. amy blackwell 8. original images 9. original image (taken on the spotmatic) 10. unknown.

1 comment:

Lauren K said...

Love this post!! I love the way you put it together and I love what is on your to do list!!

ps. Tell Joel I said happy birthday xo