

I'm dreaming of winter camping. Bonfires. Cold nights in tents. And card games. Lots of card games.

1. unknown 2. lisa congdon 3. us playing cards at the lake last winter 4. hearblack 5. summergoals


Paige Baker said...

These are all so lovely! You took them? I adore them.

themuccibird said...

Hello! They are lovely aren't they..I wish I could say I took them but unfortunately I didn't! The only photo that is mine is the one of people playing cards (and i didn't even take that, as i'm the one wearing red gloves). All the rest of the credits for each image are at the bottom of the post.

I just had a look at your blog, it's amazing!! We have very similar taste in music..Andrew Bird and Manchester Orchestra are two of my absolute favourites :)

Thanks so much for saying hi!

Paige Baker said...

Oh that's okay! I always feel weird when people ask me if I took things that I post because all I can think is "I sooo wish I could say yes!" Anyway, I love them.

Thank you! They are so great, right? I only posted my favorites in my profile but I listen to LOTS of music.