

Not sure if the title name is actually a word, but there's no other way to describe the awesome creations my brother and i have been concocting in the kitchen lately. We're both pretty inadequate when it comes to cooking so we always concentrate our efforts on making quick, easy, simple food that is just tasty (and healthy).

This is a favourite we've been making quite a bit lately..it's basically a way more delicious version of baked beans on toast.

All you need is one clove of garlic, finely chopped, about a tbspn of good olive oil, a can of organic butter beans, and a can of tomatoes (we used La Gina). All you have to do is cook the garlic in the pan for a few minutes (in the olive oil), then add the beans, then tomatoes. Simple.

We usually throw in some basil leaves from the garden, and a teaspoon of chilli if you like it, then have it on wholegrain bread with parmesan to top it off. So quick and soooo yum.

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