
new morning.

The other morning I was completely under the thumb, so to speak, with an essay due in a few hours and a restless night behind me that had afforded me very little sleep. I woke up feeling almost sick at the thought of yet another essay to be crammed into the space of a few stressful hours, when I noticed a warm light from the window (it was very early!). I was met with the most beautiful sunrise I have seen in a long time, and rushed over to my neighbour's rundown old holiday home to get a few shots. It was a lovely twenty minutes spent marvelling at the beauty of the morning and forgetting about things like The Essay.

When I'm stressed about something I seem forget about everything else..and this was just an awesome reminder that sometimes it really helps just to stop and appreciate something so life-affirming and beautiful. Even if you do have to write a few thousand words for a philosophy essay.

It is so not worth missing such a wonderful, fiery red morning for something like that!


Kim said...

I know the essay feeling, it ways you down like lead. But it's the greatest sense of relief when you finish. What a beautiful morning, so red, i've never seen a morning so crimson.

Thank you for your kind words by the way, you are so sweet. .x.x

P.s i'm so getting a lomo now, you have persuaded me. x.x.

Ellie said...

I'm feeling so stressed at the moment with exams, but I'm trying very hard to take some time out from studying each day to take a walk and cook a nice dinner. I am always over-analysing things, panicking about how I've done in an exam when really its over and there is nothing I can do to change how I went or what I did. Just have to put it behind me and focus on the next task!