
memories and dust.

I've got the travel bug again after flicking through some old photos from my past travels..it's almost like being there again (particularly because it's cold in Sydney at the moment and I love remembering the feeling of being warm in the South East Asian sunshine). It never stops amazing me how time tricks my mind, some things seem like so long ago and others literally feel like yesterday.

These are some photos from my trip to Laos at the start of 2009.

If you ever go to South East Asia, Laos is well worth a visit. It's a bit tricky to get there but I travelled by bus from Cambodia and despite having to endure long, slow travel and excruciating Thai karaoke shows (as well as dubious border crossings) once you get to Southern Laos, the incredible landscapes and beautiful, friendly people make you forget all of that. It's one of those rare places where time seems to slow down and the people live in a simple, communal way that could teach us a lot about our fast, busy lives.

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