
clear glasses.

For a number of reasons, over these past few weeks I've spent a lot of time ruminating over Big Questions..love, life, God, and the most pressing one for me:

Why can't I seem to remember (and live knowing) the truth that one day I, and everyone I love, will die?

It's one of the only things I can know for certain, and yet I live every day in a way that seems to deny this truth. Imagine how different we would all live if we could always remember this? No more petty arguments or fiery judgements. No more excuses for a life lived for someone else's idea of 'success'.

I think people tend to shy away from thinking about death because they dismiss it as morbid and negative, but I'm at least going to try to think of it differently: as a huge, unavoidable reminder to live this life. To be here and engage with people, nature and both the sorrow and joy of living.

[the photo is one I took when we were driving around the Otago Peninsula in NZ]

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